Laser treatment of moles, freckles

Dermal fillers are used to fill wrinkles associated with ageing and are also widely used to shape the lips.

Laser removal of freckles

Laser peel, an ablative laser procedure, also regenerates the subcutaneous connective tissue and removes part or all of the epidermis, including part of the dermis, eliminating the uneven texture of the skin surface, thus renewing the epidermis. These treatments are carried out under local anaesthesia with ointment to relieve the pain.

The infrared light from carbon dioxide lasers is absorbed by the water content of the skin tissues: during the treatment, it heats the water in the upper layers of the skin, causing both the water and the skin tissues to evaporate. This process is known as laser peeling, which regenerates the regenerating wine and, as the heat generated coagulates the connective tissue fibres, the skin becomes firmer and more wrinkle-free.



Fractional laser treatment, laser peels

makes the skin instantly firmer,

  • enhances skin softness and texture,

  • removes epidermal pigments, eliminates unwanted brown spots, freckles and liver spots,

  • smoothes wrinkles and acne scars,

  • rejuvenates the neck, chest and hands,

  • smoothes scars and certain stretch marks caused by the elongation of the veins.

How are freckles removed with a fractional laser?

In fractional laser peels, the laser does not cover the area to be treated in a continuous pattern, but in a pixel-like pattern, leaving most of the surrounding skin intact. The laser causes small, columnar "holes", tissue damage on the wine. These small lesions, like tiny wounds, encourage the surrounding intact wine to heal, forming new collagen fibres. Ablative fractional carbon dioxide laser boron rejuvenation, as opposed to non-fractional laser procedures, allows wine to heal faster because the healthy, untreated tissue surrounding the treated tissue acts as a natural bond during healing.

How long does it take to see the results of laser treatment?

By preparing the laser peel with microdermabrasion, the skin's ability to renew itself is improved, cell replacement is accelerated and recovery is rapid.

After fractional laser peels, the optimal improvement, i.e. the final result, becomes visible after 1-2 months, as collagen regeneration and wine tightening continue until then. Improvements in the structure of the wine can be visually seen as early as two weeks after treatment.

Important things to know before fractional laser peels:

  • a personal consultation is required before treatment,

  • 1-3 treatments at 4-week intervals are required to achieve the desired results,

  • no direct sun exposure for 4 weeks prior to treatment (i.e. sunscreen must be used)

  • if the patient is prone to pigmentation, a bleaching ointment should be used prior to treatment,

  • if he/she is prone to herpes, he/she should take medication before the treatment.

What to know after fractional laser peels:

  • for 3-5 days after the treatment, the treated area is characterised by intense redness, swelling and reddening, then it starts to peel slightly, after 3 days you can even return to work with make-up on, and after 1-1.5 weeks there is no trace of the treatment,

  • Afterwards, wash off with water and apply a thick layer of cream,

  • for 4 weeks after the treatment, use a high factor sunscreen (at least 50) and, for those who are prone to pigmentation, a bleaching cream,

  • the treatment can be repeated after 4 weeks if necessary.

*No consultation fee is charged for laser procedures, or if the deep peel is not performed on the same day, the consultation fee will be credited to the treatment price.


Anyajegyek és szeplők lézeres eltávolítása

Medical consultation
30 000 Ft

Full face
90 000 Ft

65 000 Ft

60 000 Ft

80 000 Ft

Face and neck
130 000 Ft

Face, neck and neckline
160 000 Ft

Neck and neckline
120 000 Ft

50 000 Ft

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