Permanent hair removal

At Mediad we use three types of advanced lasers for hair removal, allowing us to treat all skin types!

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Permanent hair removal

Our hair removal treatments are offered in all wavelengths: alexandrite, diode and long pulse nd:yag, so they are suitable for all skin types on the Fitzpatrick scale. What's more, thanks to the latest diode technology, guests who choose our MeDioStar-NeXT Pro treatments don't have to stop their treatment regimen in the summer, as we can safely treat tanned or tanning skin.

The procedure uses non-invasive laser light to destroy the hair follicle, preventing hair growth in the growth stage. Laser hair removal is an ideal choice for those looking for a long-lasting solution. During hair removal treatments, we adjust treatment parameters according to skin tone and hair colour for the best results.

We are waiting for you with flexible appointments: either during lunch or in the evening after work!


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How does permanent hair removal work?

Laser hair removal is a safe, virtually painless method of removing unwanted hair. Laser hair removal is not the same as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), which uses a less powerful, scattered wavelength of light. 95% of our clients choose laser hair removal because, to the best of our knowledge, it is the most effective and safest permanent hair removal method available today.

Before you start any hair removal treatment, you will have a consultation where we will take a detailed medical history to check your suitability for treatment, determine your skin type, a free test treatment can be given, with up to 3 types of laser if necessary. Our experienced staff will fully brief you before treatment and provide you with protective goggles. The treated area will be lubricated with a cooling gel. Some people experience minor pain during the treatment, others experience a stinging, tingling sensation. Depending on the size of the area treated, the procedure can take between 5 and 90 minutes. Treatments can be given every 2-8 weeks (depending on the area: up to every 2 weeks for the face, 6-8 weeks for the back), with an average of 8 months for best results, more treatments may be needed with lasers, IPL.


After the hair removal treatment, the skin may become red or swollen, but these symptoms will disappear within 24 hours. The procedure is safe, but it is important that there is no active skin disease (eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, etc.) on the treated skin area, and that the tan caused by sun or tanning beds has faded by the time of treatment. If you are treated with the MeDioStar-NeXT PRO diode laser, you don't have to stop sunbathing or tanning: tanned skin can be treated safely!

During the course of treatment, as your skin becomes more sensitive to the sun, you should protect it with a high factor sunscreen (SPF 50), in the case of MeDioStar-NeXT PRO only for the two days before and after the treatment. Light skin types are best suited to light-based hair removal, the procedure is ineffective on hairs with little pigmentation such as grey, blonde or red. Darker hairs respond very well to the treatment, while darker-toned skin is more sensitive. For hairs that are already thinning, the alexandrite laser is the best option.

Laser versus IPL

Both treatments use light to damage the hair follicles to prevent hair growth. However, this is the only similarity between the two hair removal procedures.


A laser is a highly concentrated beam of light at a single wavelength. The energy is highly concentrated rather than diffuse, so it produces a stronger, more accurate result. During your initial consultation, we will adjust the laser parameters to your skin and hair type for the best results.


IPL hair removal is less effective than laser hair removal. The energy is produced by a lamp, like a small light bulb, and emits light of different wavelengths over a wide range, so it is more diffuse and less powerful. It is generally only recommended for people with lighter skin types and cannot be used on tanned, tanned skin.

Laser hair removal has several advantages over IPL:

  • Lasers use a single wavelength for effective treatment.

  • IPL uses only one wavelength for each flash, so it may not always be effective.

  • Laser pulses are very short, and the cooled treatment head minimizes heating of the skin.

  • Laser treatments can also be used on larger areas such as the legs and back, but IPL requires a smaller break during a longer treatment.

  • None of the laser or IPL hair removal procedures are as painful as electrolysis or waxing.

  • Laser treatment allows the professional to adjust the parameters to your skin and hair colour.

Laser hair removal

At Medaid, we use three types of advanced lasers for hair removal, allowing us to treat all skin types. The Italian Quanta System Q-Plus Star 1 is an Nd:Yag laser that provides safe hair removal for darker skin types (Fitzpatrick scale 4-6). Our other laser is a diode laser from the German MeDioStar-NeXT Asclepion, which is safe for all skin types in summer. Our third type of wavelength laser is also made by the German Asclepion: MeDioStar-NeXT Pro ALeX. We will decide at the first consultation which laser is best suited for you. It is possible that we will carry out a test treatment to find the best solution to remove unwanted hair. We use a cooling gel with both lasers to reduce the pain and the common problem of hair falling out in patches.

Types of laser used for hair removal:

Four types of laser light are used today to remove unwanted hair: alexandrite, ruby, diode, Nd-Yag and long pulse Nd-Yag. In our practice, we treat with three types of advanced lasers: long pulse Nd-Yag, Alexandrite and Diode.

The Italian Q-plus Star 1 Nd:Yag laser allows safe hair removal for people with darker skin types (Fitzpatrick 4-6). The long pulse laser light is less absorbed by the melanin in the skin than the short pulse, reducing the chance of side effects. A big advantage of Nd:Yag is that the longer wavelength (1065nm) penetrates much deeper into the skin (around 4-5mm), reducing the risk of pigmentation changes. Nd-Yag is also used to treat deeper hair follicles, such as in women with polycystic ovary syndrome or when removing male facial hair.

Diode lasers operate at a longer wavelength (810nm) than alexandrite (755nm), so there is less chance of epidermal damage than alexandrite lasers. Diode lasers are better suited to darker skin tones than IPL or alexandrite lasers, but less so than Nd:yag lasers. Diode lasers are recommended for Fitzpatrick scale types 1-4, but can be used safely for all skin types.

We recommend our MeDioStar NeXt PRO ALeX Alexandrite laser primarily in the second half of treatment series, as it is the most effective for treating hairs that have already thinned.

The parameters of the laser are always adjusted by the treatment staff according to your skin and hair type. You can control the length of the pulses to make the treatment safer, as the long pulse laser light is not absorbed by the melanin in the surrounding skin. We adjust the energy density according to the skin colour. The duration between two flashes can also be adjusted according to how long you want to allow the skin and hair follicles to cool down during the treatment. By adjusting the size of the spot size, you can change the speed of the laser light and the depth of irradiation to ensure you treat the hair follicle in the right position. The larger the spot size, the deeper the laser beam, the more deeply it is applied to areas where the hair follicles are deeper in the skin.


Why choose laser hair removal over other hair removal procedures?

  • It is much more effective and faster than IPL or electrolysis.

  • You won't need a razor or wax after the treatment session.

  • In the long run, you'll save money by eliminating the constant expense of waxing and the hassle of daily shaving.

  • Reduce the chance of ingrown hairs!

  • Most people experience visible results after just 2 treatments, but it's not uncommon to see results after 1 treatment.

  • Each treatment will eradicate 10-15% of the hair!

Things to do after laser hair removal

Between treatments, you can shave the treated area or use depilatory creams. However, we do not recommend tweezing or waxing hairs, which can disrupt the hair growth cycle and therefore the effectiveness of laser treatments. For diode lasers, shave the area to be treated the same day, for Nd:Yag lasers a minimum of 1-2mm of hair is required. Do not sunbathe the treated area or go to a tanning bed, unless you are undergoing MeDioStar-NeXT laser treatment, as it is safe to use the laser on tanned skin!

  • After treatment, redness and in some cases heat rash may occur, but this will disappear within 1-24 hours.

  • Occasional superficial peeling of the skin may also occur, but this is a normal, temporary reaction. In this case, it is recommended to treat the skin with a soothing cream, Aloe Vera gel or after-sun lotion.

  • If you experience any unusual side effects, apply Vaseline ointment to the skin and contact your doctor.

  • The treated hairs will fall out between treatments. We do not recommend that you pull them out, but you can use a gentle exfoliator except on irritated skin to speed up the process.

  • When outdoors, be sure to use a factor 50 sunscreen if not treated with the MeDioStar-NeXT laser!

  • Ideally, the treated area should not be exposed to direct sunlight until the treatment series is complete. The exception to this is the guest undergoing the MeDioStar-NeXT treatment.

  • After the treatment, please remain in the office until the treated area has cooled down sufficiently!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does laser hair removal work?

The focused light from the lasers used for hair removal is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicles, melanin. The pigment is heated, so the hair follicle is destroyed without damaging the surrounding skin tissue. After 2-3 weeks, the hair falls out and the treated active phase hair follicle will not grow hair again.

How is laser hair removal treatment itself done?

With both the Diode and the long pulse Nd:Yag and Alexandrite lasers, a cooling gel is applied to the area to be treated, then the treatment head is placed on the skin and hair is removed in short pulses. Both lasers are equipped with a cooling head (cryogen) that directly cools the skin.

Who is eligible for laser hair removal treatment?

We can treat all skin types, which is why we have several types of laser equipment in our practice. We can achieve the best results for those with lighter skin and darker hair colour. Dark hair is the easiest to treat because it has a high concentration of melanin, the pigment. Lighter hairs have less melanin and are therefore more difficult to treat and require more treatments than darker hairs. Gray, white, red and blonde hairs have no melanin and are therefore untreatable.

How do you feel during the treatment?

Pain is minimal. In most cases, no anaesthetic is required (but you can request a local anaesthetic in our practice if you feel it is necessary). The sensation depends on the person's pain threshold, the location of the area treated (e.g. intimate area is most sensitive), the colour and density of the hair. Other factors may also affect the sensation, for example, women may be less tolerant of treatment a few days before and during their menstrual period. The cooled head of our Diode and Nd:Yag lasers greatly reduces the sensation of pain, although some more sensitive areas may still feel like a rubber band is being slapped against the skin. Usually the first treatment is the most "painful", with each treatment we feel less and less of the stinging, pinching sensation. Darker and thicker hair is more painful than thinner hair because darker hair absorbs more laser light.

What happens after treatment?

Under normal circumstances, redness (erythema) may occur after the treatment and the skin around the hair follicles may swell, especially in darker hairs, where more laser light is absorbed by the dye in the hair follicle. These symptoms can persist for 24 hours or up to 3 weeks. The treated hairs will fall out, "shed", within 2-3 weeks. During this period, it looks as if the hairs are growing, but this is deceptive as only new skin is pushing out of the skin. Hair may not grow on the treated area for a few weeks, depending on the individual's hair growth cycle, but after that, hairs from the hair follicles that are in the anagen, or growth stage, will appear (not from the hair follicles that have already shrivelled), typically thinner than before, and their growth rate will slow down. After the 1st treatment, the area may look a little patchy.

Are there side effects of laser hair removal treatment?

Immediately after treatment, the skin becomes red and may swell around the hair follicles. These symptoms usually disappear within 24 hours. Rarely, there may be an itching sensation, which is due to the new skin pushing the hairs out of the damaged hair follicle. More severe side effects other than these are rare but can occur, such as blistering, hyper- or hypopigmentation. The risk of this occurring can be significantly reduced if the client follows the instructions of the treatment staff before and after treatment: for example, no sunbathing or tanning for 3 weeks before or after treatment. The ban on sunbathing and sun tanning does not apply to patients undergoing MeDioStar-NeXT or Soprano Titanium/Platinum laser treatment.

How many laser treatments are needed and how often?

Laser light only affects hairs that are in an active growth phase. With the exception of the hairy scalp, only 10-15% of the hair is in a growth phase at any one time (this varies from person to person). Therefore, several treatments are needed to eradicate all hairs in their growth phase. Treatments are given every 2-4 weeks on the face and every 4-8 weeks on other areas of the body. The number of treatments required varies from person to person, but usually 8-10 sessions are needed to achieve optimal results. At the end of the course of treatment, some maintenance treatments are required: usually 6 months later, or after another six months, one more. These are necessary because there may be some hair follicles that have been in a dormant (telogen) phase throughout the treatment course and have not been affected by the laser light.

Men need more laser hair removal treatments than women because of higher testosterone levels. Likewise, women with hormone problems (e.g. PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome) need more treatment, especially those with more hair in male areas such as the chin. We also recommend blood tests to check hormone levels to determine more accurately the number of treatments to expect. In PCOS, the hairs are stronger and darker and therefore respond very well to laser treatment.


How long does each treatment last?

Laser hair removal treatments can last from 5 minutes up to 1-2 hours depending on the size of the treated area. A mustache treatment takes 5 minutes, while a full leg hair removal takes at least 45 minutes. We also offer lunch or evening appointments, or between appointments after work...

Will I still need a trial treatment if I have already had laser hair removal?

It is possible to try out a trial treatment, or we recommend that you try several parameters to find the most suitable setting. For each subsequent treatment, we will increase the treatment energy, as the hair becomes thinner, making it more difficult to eradicate and therefore requiring higher energy.

Can not be treated who:

  • is taking photosensitising medicines or herbs,

  • has epilepsy, Lupus or Porphyria,

  • is pregnant,

  • gave birth less than one month ago,

  • has cancer,

  • has been sun-tanning, tanning or using tanning lotion for less than 4 weeks prior to treatment (this does not apply to those who choose MeDioStar-NeXT or Soprano Titanium/Platinum treatment)

  • took photosensitizing antibiotics for acne within 6 months prior to treatment,

  • is taking an anticoagulant,

  • has a tendency to keloid scarring,

  • has a vitiligo spot in the area to be treated,

  • has active herpes in the treatment area,

  • has an active skin condition such as eczema or psoriasis in the treatment area.

Anyone with diabetes or hormone disorders should consult their doctor.

Soprano ICE Platinum technology

  • Each hair follicle consists of three anatomical structures and can grow at different depths of the skin. Soprano ICE Platinum combines in 3 in 1 the three most effective laser wavelengths for hair removal (diode, alexandrite and nd:yag), which allows simultaneous treatment of hair follicles at different depths.

  • Different hair and skin types respond best to different laser wavelengths. The diode is also the basis for this laser, as it is still the most effective wavelength in most cases. However, nd:yag (thick, strong hair follicles in the deeper layers of the skin, e.g. intimate areas) and alexandrite (less deep hair follicles, e.g. moustache) are more effective for some areas of the body. With Soprano ICE Platinum, no hair is left untreated.

  • SHR technology is another innovation from Alma Lasers, which gradually heats the skin to a temperature at which the hair follicles die, preventing regrowth.

  • And the "sweeping in-motion" technical innovation ensures full coverage of the area to be treated, improving results and reducing treatment time.

  • ICE technology cools the skin completely, eliminating the risk of burns and making the treatment virtually painless, yet extremely effective.

  • Perfect for use on any area of the body, including very sensitive intimate or hard-to-reach areas such as the ear, for which a separate treatment unit is provided by the manufacturer.


For men

Tired of waxing?
The best solution is laser hair removal. All you have to do is shave the area to be treated the day before (as much as you can) and you're ready for treatment. Of course, if you can't shave the area at home, we're happy to help free of charge, with Nd:Yag laser treatments we'll make an appointment 2-3 days before the treatment, and diode laser treatments we'll shave it immediately before. A full back treatment takes just 25 minutes. Do not exercise, take a hot bath or shower for 12 hours after the treatment. Sunbathing or sun tanning is prohibited for 4 weeks due to the risk of spots on the treated area, unless you are treated with MeDioStar-NeXT, which is safe for sun-tanned skin.

Tired of shaving every day?
The face is a more sensitive area for hair removal treatment, but our cool-head laser device reduces the pain. If necessary, you can request a local anaesthetic. Please note when making your appointment that you may experience mild redness after the treatment, which will only disappear within a few hours. Facial laser hair removal treatments can be performed every 2-4 weeks depending on the skin type and hair growth rate. Sunscreen is required throughout the treatment series.

Razor versus laser

You can forget about shaving and waxing forever!
Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to worry about stubbly feet on a weekend trip? How nice would be the feeling of constant smoothness! You could definitely save the cost of waxing, or at least the time spent shaving several times a week. After a series of laser treatments, it's all over as there will be no more hair.

Arguments for waxing:

  • Tears the hairs from the hair follicle in bulk.

  • It is a quick procedure and the results can take up to 6 weeks.

  • Temporary results can become permanent after a while, as permanent waxing can damage the hair follicle to the point where it is unable to grow new hair.

    produce new hair.

    Disadvantages of waxing:

  • It needs to be a little hairy before it becomes smooth and velvety. :) The hair must be at least 1 cm to be waxable. This means about 2-3 weeks of "stubble".

  • The results will only last for a few weeks. The waxed hair will not regrow for up to 6 weeks, but hairs entering a different growth stage will appear in the waxed area within two weeks.

  • Unfortunately, some cosmetics can pick up a skin infection due to poor hygiene conditions.

  • When waxing is not done by a professional, the hairs are not plucked out by the stump, they are torn at the surface or just below the skin's surface, so new hairs appear much earlier, because they have not been plucked out, but damaged.


Tired of shaving your armpits every day? Here's the solution...

If we want to avoid embarrassing moments, we probably have to shave our armpits every day, and even then we subconsciously worry about whether we shaved them the night before. If you're just trying laser hair removal for the first time, the best area to try it is probably the underarms, where the hairs are usually thicker and darker, so you'll see results sooner than in other areas. Treatments can be carried out every 6 weeks or less, and you can shave in between.

After your underarm treatments, you will have a realistic idea of what you can expect from laser hair removal, how effective it is, how painful it is, etc. You can use the deodorant 24 hours after treatment and return to your daily activities immediately. However, wait 24 hours before shaving as the treated area may still be sensitive.

Get rid of painful and embarrassing ingrown hairs caused by waxing or shaving forever with laser hair removal!

It's uncomfortable to wax the bikini area, especially if it's sensitive. Laser hair removal in the bikini area can be an excellent alternative to waxing, especially as you can get rid of the side effects after just (the recommended) 8 treatments. You will have to stop waxing and epilating during the treatments, but you can shave as much as you like! The reduction in hair density is visible after just 2 treatments, as up to 10-15% of hair follicles (varies from person to person) can be removed in one treatment. Laser hair removal also kills bacteria on the skin surface, thinning new hairs and reducing the chance of hair regrowth.

You can request three types of bikini waxing:

  • normal bikini: the upper thigh area or the part of the bikini that is visible from the underwear,

  • Brazilian bikini: removal of all hair from the bikini area except for a strip in the middle,

  • Hollywood bikini: removal of all hair from the bikini area.


A teljes árlista jobbra görgetéssel tekinthető meg -->


between eyebrows

6 900 Ft

20 700 Ft

62 100 Ft


9900 Ft

29 700 FT

89 100 Ft


12 900 Ft

38 700 Ft

116 100 Ft


11 900 Ft

35 700 Ft

107 100 Ft

upper lip

9 900 Ft

29 700 Ft

89 100 Ft

upper lip + chin

17 900 Ft

53 700 Ft

161 100 Ft

upper lip + chin + sideburn

22 900 Ft

68 700 Ft

206 100 Ft


12 900 Ft

38 700 Ft

116 100 Ft

full face

25 900 Ft

77 700 Ft

233 100 Ft

front / back of neck

17 900 Ft

53 700 Ft

161 100 Ft

forearms / upper arms

27 900 Ft

83 700 Ft

251 100 Ft

full arms

44 900 Ft

134 700 Ft

404 100 Ft

hands + fingers

15 900 Ft
47 700 Ft

143 100 Ft

forearms / upper arms + hands + fingers

39 900 Ft

119 700 Ft

359 100 Ft

full arms + hands + fingers

51 900 Ft

155 700 Ft

467 100 Ft


17 900 Ft

53 700 Ft

161 100 Ft

armpits + bikini

27 900 Ft

83 700 Ft

251 100 Ft

armpits + full intimate

45 900 ft

137 700 Ft

413 100 Ft

armpits + full intimate and continuation in the buttocks

49 900 Ft

149 700 Ft

449 100 Ft


18 900 Ft

56 700 Ft

170 100 Ft


41 900 Ft

125 700 Ft

377 100 Ft

chest + abdomen

59 900 Ft

179 700 Ft

539 100 Ft

around nipples

11 900 Ft

35 700 Ft

107 100 Ft

thin strip between breasts

11 900 Ft

35 700 Ft

107 100 Ft


34 900 Ft

104 700 Ft

314 100 Ft

abdomen strip 10 cm

14 900 Ft

44 700 Ft

134 100 Ft

abdomen strip 4 cm

11 900 Ft

35 700 Ft

107 100 Ft

lower or upper back

37 900 Ft

113 700 Ft

 341 100 Ft

full back

59 900 Ft

179 700 Ft

539 100 Ft

full back + shoulders

69 900 Ft

227 700 Ft

683 100 Ft


18 900 Ft

56 700 Ft

170 100 Ft

brazil bikini

29 900 Ft

89 700 Ft

269 100 Ft

Hollywood bikini ( full intimate )

33 900 Ft

101 700 Ft

305 100 Ft

bikini and continuation in the buttocks

25 900 Ft

77 700 Ft

233 100 Ft

full intimate and continuation in the buttocks

39 900 Ft

119 700 Ft

359 100 Ft


29 900 Ft

89 700 Ft

269 100 Ft

legs half (including knees)

35 900 Ft

107 700 Ft

323 100 Ft

legs half (including knees) + armpits

49 900 Ft

147 700 Ft

449 100 Ft

legs half (including knees) + bikini / armpits

49 900 Ft

147 700 Ft

449 100 Ft

legs half (including knees) + bikini + armpits

65 900 Ft

197 700 Ft

539 100 Ft

legs half (including knees) + full intimate

59 900 Ft

179 700 Ft

539 100 Ft

legs half (including knees) + full intimate + armpits

75 900 Ft

227 700 Ft

683 100 Ft

full legs

59 900 Ft

179 700 Ft

539 100 Ft

full legs + bikini

75 900 Ft

227 700 Ft

683 100 Ft

full legs + intimate

85 900 Ft

257 700 Ft

773 100 Ft

full legs + full intimate + armpits

99 000 Ft

297 700 Ft

891 100 Ft

fulllegs + toes

17 900 Ft

53 700 Ft

161 100 Ft

full body

129 900 Ft

389 100 Ft

 999 000 Ft

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